Wednesday, February 13, 2019

May I suggest a continuous vertical concrete and steel type structure

A wall if you will with checkpoints and guard towers.

Governor Cuomo blames his 2.3 billion budget shortfall on Florida

Remember how Democrats told you the Tax Cut and Jobs Act was passed by Republicans to benefit the wealthy? Now it seems, Governor Cuomo is blaming Florida for stealing his cash cows. He believes his wealthy residents are fleeing New York for the Sunshine State. And the smart ones probably are.
Recently, Governor Cuomo announced a budget shortfall of $2.3 billion was anticipated in the state. Originally, Cuomo blamed the shortfall on the tax reform legislation. He was so concerned, he met with his archenemy President Donald Trump to ask him to reconsider the SALT deduction cap.
One of the items in the tax cut legislation was a flat cap on the SALT deduction. This means there is a consistent cap nationwide on how much taxpayers who itemize can deduct for state, local and property taxes. It was set at $10,000.
Following the meeting, Michael Zona, a spokesman for Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee said that Cuomo’s request is not likely to be taken up. He added:
It’s ironic that the same Democrats who criticized the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act for supposedly benefiting only the wealthy are now advocating for a change to the law that would primarily benefit the wealthy,”
“New York Gov. Cuomo to urge Trump to rethink tax changes”, Associated Press, February 12, 2019

Or the outlawing of U-Hual and any other moving services.
Coupled with a law mandating that Florida collect the taxes from escapees former residents already there who are so callously denying the gloriously diverse leeches citizens of the great state of NY the ability to have their hands in somebody elses pockets.

I would suggest this dude be dealt with first with extreme prejudice.

 He would be to say the least in high demand.

1 comment:

  1. As an inmate in Emporer Cuomo's upstate population I am forced to deal with a state government and in particular a governor who all rule against the will of the people. The fact is that all a democratic governor needs to do is pander to the Metro NY area to get 60 percent of their vote and then he only needs 8-10% of the upstate vote to guarantee election.

    Cuomo whines about people leaving the state but I must point out he told us that if we disagreed with his and the democrats policy agenda we should leave because we do not belong in THEIR state. This was after the passage of the unnecessary 'SAFE ACT'. Since then many folks have taken him up on the offer.

    I have lived in NY almost my entire life and what I see is a bloated state government that is focused entirely on the Metro Area and also on seizing more and more control over every aspect of the state and the worst of this is the onerous regulation of business. I stay because of family and friends. Grandkids make dealing with inane democratic policy a pain I will be forced to endure at least for now. One of my sons moved to PA last year with the other thinking the same.

    I would warn the rest of the country that as California and NYS goes so will you, in time. Ultimately it is about government control and not government sponsored programs. Once they have full control over our lives, the programs will stop because they will not be needed in the tyrannical socialist society they will have created.
