Sunday, February 10, 2019

Shit Bubba likes pic dump


  1. Replies
    1. I am but the tax cuts and the net neutrality almost got me.
      It was touch and go for awhile.

    2. Welcome back to the fold, the Democrats are ready to go full retard....

      I added you to the blogroll

  2. Dude, I really missed your wit and wisdom. And titty pics, hint, hint.................

  3. Welcome back. Your site was and will be again a daily routine!

  4. It's about time Goddammit!
    I still gotta add you to the blogroll which I will do as soon as I am done here. Already posted the news though.
    Welcome back brother.
    BTW, I don't remember ever seeing that particular grille on a Chevy Pickup. Any idea what year that is?

  5. OMG! That pedal car!
    I had that same one when I was little, same color too. I can still remember using one of the old clicker type oil cans you push on the bottom of to oil the push rods and pedal joints on that thing when I was 5 years old. Yeah, it's true, I was born to be a wrencher.

    1. Hey bro I had many times I wanted to poke fun at ya beware it's coming thx

  6. Ton truck front clip with a pickup bed... wish i'd thought of that!
    Glad you're back!

  7. Damn, I am so glad you are back. I was trying my best to ridicule all the stupid Democrats whenever I could, but it is just too much work for one man. Seriously, though, welcome home, and glad to see you back. I hope all is well at your neck of the woods. I am telling everyone who will listen, I just picked up a Ruger Mark IV 22/45. I have not gotten to shoot it yet, but I am doing my part to continue to buy guns and keep the gunmakers in business. I got my 1916 Spanish Mauser in .308 together, but haven't got to shoot it or sight it in yet, but that now will have to wait until spring. If Michigan ever does have spring again. The Democrats keep saying that due to global warming, we might just remain frozen forever, or something like that.
    Have a great week, and try not to work too hard. Again, glad to see you back.

  8. Damn your back! You were one missed hombre! Here's to hope you outlive all of us!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
