Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Conserving Conservatism

 It seems Muslims on the other side of the world are more important than americans.

Screaming at the top of their lungs on the latest Igadget made by this scoundrel nation.

The poor poor wiggers.I'm assuming they are as bad as ours.

So give up your Amazon Apple Walmart and other sundry shit made by commies or spare me the sanctimony on assholes who would give the same amount of  fucks about me as I give about their situation.

"Conservatives" are as dumb as they look.


I'll laugh when they cart these fuckers off first.

They'll be babbling free trade is great or Orangemanbad or some such shit.

I hope its televised. 

That is all

1 comment:

  1. I see the popular term 'muslim', and I automatically translate it to 'mohammadan'.

    Used in a sentence:
    * "According to forensic investigators, many of the body parts belonged to yet another mohammadan suicide-bomber."
