With the inevitable paying of slavery reparations I have come up with a plan.
First I will be looking for investors in my chain of recording studios in abadoned grocery stores in the innumerable food deserts around this country.
This will help aspiring rappers to realize their dreams of lining my pockets.
The oppurtunities will be endless.
Second I will make a big move into Foot Locker,Nike,Popeyes KFC etc.
Third with the windfall profits from these endeavors I plan to vertically integrate all independent jewelers into a new brand called Ballin with Bubba.
I will be making the most outlandish gear imaginable.think gold plated masks 5 carat diamond earrings and gold chains as thick as your wrist.
Then when I have these plans on their merry way.
My biggest move evah 36 inch solid platinum rims with unobtanium spinners from my chain of rent to own tire shops.
It will be beautiful.
I was thinking about an empire of 24 hour strip joints but that seemed to outlandish.
So I'm just sticking to what I know will work.
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