Anybody can hunt it ain't that fucking hard.
The rubber meets the road in your tummy.
I hate this fucking shit of course chicks have always hunted.
Sometimes a big rich penis other times a deer maybe but not the ones with the cute eyes.
I would read the whole story but I already know the conclusion let me break it down.
Women are not only the future but are the greatest contributor to humankind in the past.
The stunningness and bravery of it all will bring tears to your eyes.
For a long time, it was assumed that hunting in prehistoric societies was primarily carried out by men. Now a new study adds to a body of evidence challenging this idea. The research reports the discovery of a female body, buried alongside hunting tools, in the Americas some 9,000 years ago.
The woman, discovered in the Andean highlands, was dubbed Wilamaya Patjxa individual 6, or “WPI6”. She was found with her legs in a semi-flexed position, with the collection of stone tools placed carefully next to them. These included projectile points – tools that were likely used to tip lightweight spears thrown with an atlatl(also called a spear thrower). The authors argue that such projectile points were used for hunting large animals.
I would fisk this thing but just the first couple of paragraphs would take a whole post.
Fuck that let's just say I find this type of "science"highly speculative.
I'd bet a lot of money that most old timey chicks wanted to sit in the cave taking care of their caverats growing veggies gossiping you know nest minding type shit.
Normal chick shit like stopping hold my beer behavior so you don't get injured and can't go hunting to provide that cave.
Look at it this way there could be two groups of women on two sides of a river.
The women would go about their day waving to each other on either side wondering what was going on over there.
Never actually finding out,
Whereas two groups of men would build a bridge to see what those assholes over there have got.
And if we'd like to help ourselves to some.
Then you get civilization which ain't all that bad but the caveat is you have to live in it with assholes who extrapolate being buried near spear points somehow denotes being a hunter and then anecdotally tell me a story about great masses of female hunters showing the patriarchy what's what.
I'll pass.
Or maybe... maybe our 'female' huntress was an early-adopter of the cross-dressing fad?
ReplyDeleteHence, maybe nobody knew he was a she?
A macho homosexual female?
The problem with assigning civilized 2021 values to an ancient hunter-gatherer is 'antho-morphic projection... and projectors are invariably wrong because they think like they always think instead of seeing through the eyes of another.