Friday, May 14, 2021

I think somebody is tired of my shit

 Just so they know I'm way tireder of their shit.

I was figuring on a domestic terrorism warning.

Not a deceptive site.

I pride myself on no deceptions.

Just a reminder I'm not suicidal and I just got a shiny new girlfriend so I'm not planning any solo trips either.

That is all.


  1. Saw this and reported it as incorrect

  2. Fuck their puckered asses. They know that there's gasoline in the air and are scared shitless that someone is gonna light a match.

  3. Your site and a dozen other sites were tagged as suspicious/deceptive. Basically anyone who voiced concern about media, tech or government was tagged by our Google Overlords...

  4. It seems everyone in our little corner of the internet was gubmintized.
