Saturday, May 22, 2021

More lightspeed shit


That's not 4%.

Even I can do those numbers.

Numbers in the ether is what floats our boat these days.

We will regret this very much.

It doesn't even matter if the pic is a fake or not.

The real #s are much worse.

Only the straight 100% dope is done at BNN.

You're welcome.

I had another rant in my head for awhile.

I wonder if the Chamber of Commerce is against the Fed buying 120 billion in bonds every month?

That's what they admit to the real # is much higher. 

My guess is they will add to our balance sheet 4 trillion dollars from nowhere just on bond purchases.

This is what Jefferson warned against.

Ledgermain accounting.

The Fed is now the junkbond King of all Kings.

Boeing didn't take no bailout cuz they knew they could count on the Fed to buy bonds.

A lot of companies are doing big bond offerings if you haven't noticed.

I would be willing to bet this was agreed to by all parties.

Nothing you see is real or unrigged.

A flamethrower will have to be utilized to sterilize the ground where the house of cards is built when it falls down.

Maybe an eternal flame could be kept to preclude any more card houses.

That is all.

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