Sunday, May 2, 2021

Regular BNN veiwers already knew this

This will be for the uninitiated in hard hitting journalisming.

I've been beating this drum for 20 years.

Ever since those wars started.

Weird coincidence huh?

How Costco is masking a 14% price jump with shrinkflation 

The oldest trick in the retailer book is back.

We have previously written about shrinkflation - the "creative" masking of higher prices whereby retailers sell a materially lower amount of products for the 'same' price, covering up what is often a significant price increase on a "per unit" basis (see ""Shrinkflation" - How Food Companies Implement Massive Price Hikes Without You Ever Noticing", "Shrinkflation Hits The UK: Toblerone Shrinks By 10%, Price Stays The Same", Shrinkflation Intensifies – Stealth Inflation As Thousands of Food Products Shrink In Size, Not Price), and we have a feeling that in light of the recent surge in commodity costs and food prices, we will be writing about it a whole lot more in the coming weeks.


Back?It never went away.

Double digit inflation is the norm.

The Fed say it don't be like that.

But it do.

And that's the way it is folks.

Good day.

That is all.


  1. Toilet paper rolls have been incrementally getting narrower over the years...

  2. Even Dollar Tree is getting in on this shit. I use to buy a shitload of their knock-off Spam cans, same size as the name brand, for a buck a piece to stash back for hurricane preps. NOW the shit they carry is less than half the size of what they use to carry for the same price. If you look store wide, there are many things that now come in much smaller units for the same price that they use to sell the full sized units.
