Monday, May 3, 2021

The Fed is a malevolent creation

 If I had a time machine I would go back and kill JP Morgan.

You do know that big corporations have installed Presidents before and manipulated the money supply before right?

He basically said nice country you have there be a shame if something happened to it.

A real nice gig is printing money and then charging interest for this selfless act.

Federal Reserve will support JoeBama economic agenda by allowing rapid inflation

 The federal reserve has announced they will support the economic agenda of the Biden administration by allowing rapid inflation.  The FED is trying to provide cover for JoeBama’s economic plan.  The era when the FED could impact inflation is long past.  However, the Joe Biden policy impact will be clear, immediate and concise.  The U.S. middle-class and blue-collar worker are about to be crushed under rising prices for consumable products.


This is a feature not a bug.

Combined with a gubmint lashing out at citizens equals pain.

Lots of it.

You know the people in charge are supposed to be smart.

I dropped outta high school and can clearly see what is going to happen.

Well it helps when they tell you exactly what their plans are.

Commies always telegraph intentions and follow thru. 

I always beat this dead horse cuz I think it's important this man says so and he ain't ever wrong as far as I know.

 One of the great Americans.

Stunningly smart.

The cure for communism is facts is one of my favorites

Go watch em all!

1 comment:

  1. Thomas Sowell is one of my all-time favs. Nice pick!!!
