Friday, May 7, 2021

Will the gubmints of SC and Montana give back their share

Molehills are easy.

You shouldn't have started it and encouraged people to fucking take it.

I remember the fucking commercials. 

Saving the economy and all that.

As far as I can tell 4.25 million claims for PUA.

My guess the numbers on PUA would fall in order as to their population relative to larger states.

So the numbers aren't really there at 6% unemployment.

Anyways I was always told 5% was "Full Employment"

Ending pandemic unemployment isn't really gonna move the needle now.

More back patting by politicians for ending a gubmint caused disaster.

Self inflicted wounds are the worst who told the employers to lockdown?

Who decided who was essential our not?

Is it the end of the world if some woke corporate franchisee can't find workers?

Did not some low skill fast food workers get new employment in one of the new paranoia related businesses that sprung up?

You know get an essential job?

I wonder how much coin they got from the feds for paying non-essential gubmint employees to stay home or unneeded PPE.

Will they repay the Treasury any monies received for the pandemic.

Will they forgo any future largesse for them and theirs.

Inquiring minds know the answer to that.

It never should have been started just like the stimmy checks.

I'm always right they are always wrong. 

It's almost as if the gubmint and I are at cross purposes.

Call me when these governor type motherfuckers outlaw the automatic withholding of federal taxes and forbid any levies against property or money for not paying federal taxes.

Other than that they are part of the problem.

I'll just be over here trying to insulate myself from the next gubmint caused disaster.

I looked and the SC gubmint is still doom and gloom about Kung Flu and to Montana's credit not so much.

What you didn't think I would check.

The many layers of fact checkers and editors at BNN would never let me publish a rant without actually doing the research.

I would never lead you wrong.

PS I wanna know where all those fucking ventilators are.

I betcha Hillary knows.

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