Sunday, March 21, 2021

Are you not stimulated?

I am very stimulated.Strawberrires and tomatos do that to me.

I can't imagine how stimulated I'll be when the taters and onions are planted.

First of all I want to thank all the wiggers and other glorious comrades in China.

Thanks to your hard work and dedication your gubmint can buy T-bills till the cows come home so I can get helicopter money.

I wonder if anybody has thought about what happens when we default.

Surely they have the gubmint gots lots of experts of the sciency type.

Secondly the MMT motherfuckers at the Fed deserve a big round of applause for their exemplary record of keeping everybodys eyes glued to the squirrel.

They are gobsmackingly good at fuckin that chicken.

All will be well saw it on CNN.

I think I'll get 2 peach trees tomorrow hopefully they are made in merica never can tell nowadays.

Oh yeah I planted some grass too the bane of NY Times writers.

So yeah that's kinda stimulating too middle fingers always are.

That is all.


  1. Looks like your gardening skills haven't those jammies. good stuff..

  2. I'll have you know those are my go to town pants and I'm pretty good at not killing things.
    Production has been a problem gonna fix that.
