Sunday, May 23, 2021

Guilds are the worst

 Here's a law I like.

A good law replacing a really bad one.

I just wanted to break out a tidbit that pisses me off.

Distillery group calling out boot the ban


 Ironically, the most vocal opposition to the legislation is coming from the Texas Package Stores Association. 

In a policy statement the organization posted:

 "If we have to open on Sunday, causing overhead to go up, it will drive the cost of the product up. Given overhead costs and minimal profits, Sunday liquor sales are bad for small businesses and bad for Texas."


Nobody wants to force you to open on Sunday.

Nobody is forcing them to be open at all.

They could be only open on Mondays if they wish.

But somebody would quickly fill the void and be open to suit customers needs.

Competition is for suckers to these assholes.

These are the same assholes that don't want you getting liquor anywhere but from them.

God forbid you get a fifth when you get a case of beer at 7-11 on a Sunday morning.

That's anarchy goddammit.

That is all.


  1. Always pissed me off in Georgia when I lived there for a few years, you could drink your ass off any day EXCEPT Sunday UNLESS you went to a sports bar or some shit. You couldn't go the the store and buy 2 cases for Sunday games, but you could damn sure go out and get shitfaced at a sports bar and drive home. Entrapping mother fuckers.
    That's what got me into making my own fuckin' beer...I could have it when I damn well wanted. That and I didn't have to settle for whatever beer they had on hand...I got my recipes down and had the best shit ever on hand.

  2. > God forbid you get a fifth when you get a case of beer at 7-11 on a Sunday morning.

    You can't buy beer before Noon on Sunday in Texas, so that is not a problem. /s

