Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Some nippage for the squeaky wheel

 Squeaky wheels get fixed  round here Richard.

I could not leave a blog friend hangin.

A minor inconvenience to be sure but nothing like getting gasoline in Biden's ameikkka.

I dont know bout yall but I could use a little bit of winning.

I miss that.

Just sayin losing sucks.

Embrace the suck comrades.

Yes my tooth still hurts it has it's date with destiny tomorrow.

I will make an extra special Topless Thursday for the wheel but that's it.

Unlike the US gubmint I will not be ransomed about like a Raggedy Andy.

That is all.


 PS An Important update from the editorial staff of BNN

 Bubba like bees!

One of the labels of this post was bees.

The CEO of BNN has been on a real tear lately about truth in journalism so we have made a correction to this post.

It may seem trivial to you but not that crazy motherfucker.

We regret this oversight.

...---...  ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---...

That is all.


  1. Thanks brother. Glad to know you're reading the comments.

    1. I am the all seeing all knowing Lord of my domain.
      Don't forget that says my NSA guy.
