Friday, November 26, 2021

Being thankful is white supremacy

 I must admit to the most counter revolutionary thought ever thought

I’m sorry

But I’m thankful for lots of shit

Especially the dudes who come by here still

I see youse guys

Plus I’m in the middle of nowhere very thankful bout that

Overall a 8 on the thankful scale

I will advise if I get to 10 that would involve a non psycho woman

That’s a big get right there

That is all

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Breaking News

 I crossed a state line to go to the bar last night

I was also armed to the teeth but not with my weapons of war I don’t have a holster for those so I leave those at the bunker

Is a knife a weapon of war?

Is a 1911 a weapon of war?

If so I stand corrected.

But I digress 

I just felt the need to confess my sins and beg forgiveness for my neonazi white supremacist ways

I vow to do better in the future please forgive me and pray for me

This has me thinking that at my next Klan meeting I will announce that Eric Clapton couldn’t hold James Marshall Hendrix’ jock

I’ve been pondering ways to get the commies to finally love me

It seems that being a baby fucker is the best and quickest way to that nirvana

That’s a bridge too far for me so I’m gonna go the domestic abuser/arsonist/serial felonist route very much slower but I am a patient man

Just hope it happens before Brandon shuffles off to the great unknown

I love that Brandon dude


That is all

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Do they know the Taliban aren’t vaccinated?

I saw a bunch of them unmasked also.
It seems as if the commies are very selective on the Kung flu outrage.
Funny that huh.
Get used to the losing there’s gonna be a lot more.
When the invalid in chief is kicked to the curb the losing will grow exponentially with VP Knees on the Ground in charge.
Now I must prepare for the coming storm.
Unlike the gubmint I learn from their mistakes.
They don’t.
I foresee them dropping every ball that comes their way.
It’s what they do and they do it well.
I really miss all that winning don’t you.
That is all.

PS thanks for the kind words from you guys.
I won’t be doing any regular blogging
Another computer bugged out on me and I’m not putting out any money or time to fix or buy anymore Chinese made crap.
These woke corporations wouldn’t want money from a neo nazi anyways.
Starve em if you can.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

I am wishful

 About what you may ask?

That the people that have fucked up the country will have to live thru the consequences of their actions.

May the worst befall those such as our so called friends the Republicans.

May they all die a most inglorious death.

They have rightfully earned my scorn.

The Republic is dead long live the Republic.

Fucking assholes.

That is all.

PS I would really say what should happen but I won’t be doing any suicide missions for so called Americans.

They can’t get you for thoughts yet so I will not say.

Those days are numbered my friends 

What would Jefferson do?

Sunday, May 30, 2021

What do you see?


Shit Bubba likes pic dump!

Lag is very problematic in lots of important things

 Nobody hears it at the exact same time even standing next to each other.

It is a very vexing problem in telephony and radio.

Lots of time and money have been spent on this problem.

Nothing is really happening in real time it's always behind even at the speed of light.

I actually have thought of this very thing it can be a very philosophical.

I think the comeback dude is wrong for the simple fact that exact changes the whole question not that she knew but it does.

Lag is a bad thing.

I will say that some of the inflation that is happening now is a lag from stimulus that happened while Trump was President.

You ask Uncle Milty how long it takes the effects of intervention to begin to work it's way thru economy.

The Joe Biden inflation is going to be bad but the spending Trump/Fed did during the Kung Flu is being overshadowed I think.

Not much you can do when congresscritters want to spend the money so he gets a semi pass from me on that.

All of his other shit I loved all of it.

If anybody deserved to send mean tweets it was President Trump the way he was treated was shameful in the extreme.

Anyways I had that pic for a reason I often think about lag in many different things it's not just measured in milliseconds it could be centuries.

That is all.





Unexpected shit happens

Nothing bad.

This was a good unexpected.

Forgot laptop.

That was unexpected cuz I had it bagged up.

I know I could've posted on my phone but it would just be rants about inflation and gas prices.

Who needs that shit?

No pics and I'm pretty sure the pics are the biggest draw.

I ain't as dumb as Joe Biden looks you know.

That is all.